Results for 'Jessica Joy Cameron'

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  1.  13
    Dworkin’s subjects: Interpellation and the politics of heterosexuality.Jessica Joy Cameron - 2017 - Feminist Theory 18 (1):3-16.
    This article provides a critical rereading of Andrea Dworkin’s infamous text Intercourse. I use Judith Butler’s post-structural theory to contest the common view that Dworkin forwards an immutable position on heterosexual intercourse. Instead, I argue that she identifies a particularly pernicious discourse used to represent vaginal penetration – the discourse of intercourse-as-violation. This discourse is important for feminists to consider because the codification of sex acts affects the codification of gendered social actors. The article continues to explore how Dworkin’s text (...)
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    Cross-cultural influences on rhythm processing: reproduction, discrimination, and beat tapping.Daniel J. Cameron, Jocelyn Bentley & Jessica A. Grahn - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Enhanced timing abilities in percussionists generalize to rhythms without a musical beat.Daniel J. Cameron & Jessica A. Grahn - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  4. Reviewers of articles received and published in 2007–08.Tineke Abma, Anna Alomes, Gwen Anderson, Mila Aroskar, Kim Atkins, Joy Bickley-Asher, Helen Booth, Janie Butts, Miriam Cameron & Franco Carnevale - 2008 - Nursing Ethics 15 (6):851.
  5. The significance of epistemic blame.Cameron Boult - 2021 - Erkenntnis 88 (2):807-828.
    One challenge in developing an account of the nature of epistemic blame is to explain what differentiates epistemic blame from mere negative epistemic evaluation. The challenge is to explain the difference, without invoking practices or behaviors that seem out of place in the epistemic domain. In this paper, I examine whether the most sophisticated recent account of the nature of epistemic blame—due to Jessica Brown—is up for the challenge. I argue that the account ultimately falls short, but does so (...)
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    Editor's Introduction.Jessica N. Berry - 2013 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 44 (2):139-140.
    The papers published in this issue were presented at North American Nietzsche Society (NANS) sessions held in conjunction with the divisional meetings of the American Philosophical Association from the end of 2007 through 2009. I would like to thank Richard Schacht and the other members of the program committee for their continued service to Nietzsche studies, and I thank Cameron Smith for invaluable editorial assistance in the production of this issue. The first three papers published here were presented on (...)
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  7. Are There Indeterminate States of Affairs? Yes.Jessica M. Wilson - 2014 - In Elizabeth B. Barnes, Current Controversies in Metaphysics. New York: Routledge. pp. 105-119.
    Here I compare two accounts of metaphysical indeterminacy (MI): first, the 'meta-level' approach described by Elizabeth Barnes and Ross Cameron in the companion to this paper, on which every state of affairs (SOA) is itself precise/determinate, and MI is a matter of its being indeterminate which determinate SOA obtains; second, my preferred 'object-level' determinable-based approach, on which MI is a matter of its being determinate---or just plain true---that an indeterminate SOA obtains, where an indeterminate SOA is one whose constitutive (...)
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  8. Do We Need Grounding?Ross P. Cameron - 2016 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 59 (4):382-397.
    Many have been tempted to invoke a primitive notion of grounding to describe the way in which some features of reality give rise to others. Jessica Wilson argues that such a notion is unnecessary to describe the structure of the world: that we can make do with specific dependence relations such as the part–whole relation or the determinate–determinable relation, together with a notion of absolute fundamentality. In this paper I argue that such resources are inadequate to describe the particular (...)
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    Bodily Communication of Emotion: Evidence for Extrafacial Behavioral Expressions and Available Coding Systems.Zachary Witkower & Jessica L. Tracy - 2019 - Emotion Review 11 (2):184-193.
    Although scientists dating back to Darwin have noted the importance of the body in communicating emotion, current research on emotion communication tends to emphasize the face. In this article we review the evidence for bodily expressions of emotions—that is, the handful of emotions that are displayed and recognized from certain bodily behaviors (i.e., pride, joy, sadness, shame, embarrassment, anger, fear, and disgust). We also review the previously developed coding systems available for identifying emotions from bodily behaviors. Although no extant coding (...)
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    (1 other version)Social Pedagogy and Working with Children and Young People: Where Care and Education Meet. Edited by C. Cameron and P. Moss: Pp 221. London: Jessica Kingsley. 2011.£ 24.95 (pbk). ISBN 9781849051194. [REVIEW]Chris Kyriacou - 2012 - British Journal of Educational Studies 60 (1):101-103.
  11. How to Solve the Gender Inclusion Problem.Cameron Domenico Kirk-Giannini - forthcoming - Hypatia.
    The inclusion problem for theories of gender arises when those theories inappropriately fail to include certain individuals in the gender categories to which they ought to belong. The inclusion problem affects both of the most influential traditions in feminist theorizing about gender: social-position accounts and identity accounts. I argue that the inclusion problem can be solved by adopting a structured theory of gender, which incorporates aspects of both social-position accounts and identity accounts. According to the theory I favor, an individual’s (...)
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    Art Can Help.Robert Adams - 2017 - New Haven, CT: Yale University Art Gallery.
    In _Art Can Help_, the internationally acclaimed American photographer Robert Adams offers over two dozen meditations on the purpose of art and the responsibility of the artist. In particular, Adams advocates art that evokes beauty without irony or sentimentality, art that “encourages us to gratitude and engagement, and is of both personal and civic consequence.” Following an introduction, the book begins with two short essays on the works of the American painter Edward Hopper, an artist venerated by Adams. The rest (...)
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    Before Trans Studies.Cassius Adair, Cameron Awkward-Rich & Amy Marvin - 2020 - Transgender Studies Quarterly 7 (3):306-320.
    In conversation with Emmett Harsin Drager and Andrea Long Chu's “After Trans Studies,” this collaborative essay also turns to questions of field formation and the ethos of trans studies. Situating the growth of the field in the material conditions of precarity under which trans knowledge-workers work, the authors argue that trans studies can't be “over” because, in fact, it isn't yet here. Rather than viewing this as only a dismal proposition, however, they insist that the tenuousness of trans studies provides (...)
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  14. Old wisdom for contemporary problems : a civic republican approach to dis/ability in education.Kevin Murray & Jessica D. Murray - 2025 - In Cara E. Furman & Tomas de Rezende Rocha, Teachers and philosophy: essays on the contact zone. Albany: State University of New York Press.
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  15. Comment on the GHZ variant of Bell's theorem without inequalities.Joy Christian - 2024 - Arxiv.
    I point out a sign mistake in the GHZ variant of Bell's theorem, invalidating the GHZ's claim that the premisses of the EPR argument are inconsistent for systems of more than two particles in entangled quantum states.
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    Proportion estimation as a function of proportion and sample size.Wesley M. DuCharme & Cameron R. Peterson - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 81 (3):536.
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    The flight from God.Max Picard, Gabriel Marcel & J. M. Cameron - 2015 - South Bend, Indiana: St. Augustine's Press. Edited by Matthew Del Nevo & Brendan Sweetman.
    Max Picard (1888-1965) was a Swiss-German writer, who converted to Catholicism from Judaism. A doctor and psychologist, Picard worked in Berlin but retired in the 1920s to Switzerland. He is often regarded as a "wisdom thinker," and his rich and penetrating writings continue to speak to us in the twenty-first century. The Flight from God is an incisive, profound description of many of the problems facing modern culture, and its analysis resonates with us more today than when first published in (...)
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    The detection and estimation of electric charges in the eighteenth century.W. Cameron Walker - 1936 - Annals of Science 1 (1):66-100.
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    Anna Komnene: The Life and Work of a Medieval Historian by Leonora Neville.Averil Cameron - 2018 - Common Knowledge 24 (2):330-331.
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    Desiderius Erasmus. The Praise of Folly.Don Cameron Allen & Hoyt Hopewell Hudson - 1944 - American Journal of Philology 65 (1):109.
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  21. (1 other version)Studia Patristica XLVIII.J. Baun, A. Cameron, M. Edwards & M. Vinzent (eds.) - 2010 - Peeters.
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  22. The accountability challenge to global e-commerce : the need to overcome the developed-developing country divide in WTO e-commerce policies.Farrokh Farrokhnia & Cameron Keith Richards - 2013 - In Liam Leonard & Maria-Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez, Principles and strategies to balance ethical, social and environmental concerns with corporate requirements. Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing.
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  23. A Reappraisal of Moral Development Theory.Evelyn B. Kincaid & W. B. Cameron - 1979 - Journal of Thought 14 (3):187-93.
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  24.  43
    No Credible Photographic Interest: Photography restrictions and surveillance in a time of terror.Daniel Palmer & Jessica Whyte - 2010 - Philosophy of Photography 1 (2):177-195.
    This article examines the consequences for the res publica of the simultaneous increase in state surveillance and the restriction of the right to take photographs in public ushered in by the War on Terror. We draw on Ariella Azoulay's theorization of what she terms the civil contract of photography, or the possibility for non-state civic interaction allowed by the invention of the camera. While Michel Foucault's studies of the role of constant surveillance in disciplinary societies help us to understand our (...)
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    Utah producers and soil health: digging deeper.Peggy Petrzelka, Jessica D. Ulrich-Schad & Matt Yost - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-6.
    While the importance of soil health has been widely documented in certain areas of the U.S., such as the Midwest and Great Plains, other agricultural lands and producers remain largely understudied regarding soil health, including those in the Intermountain West (IMW). In this field report, we dig deeper into differing viewpoints on soil health held by Utah producers, examining how those more and less open to soil health efforts compare in various ways. Using data from a 2024 mail and online (...)
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  26. Alison M. Jaggar and Iris Marion Young, eds., A Companion to Feminist Philosophy Reviewed by.Jessica Prata Miller - 2001 - Philosophy in Review 21 (4):265-268.
  27.  11
    Forever young: The end of history illusion in children.Alexa Sacchi, Jessica Sah, Melissa Finlay & Christina Starmans - 2024 - Cognition 250 (C):105867.
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    When There’s No One Else to Blame: The Impact of Coworkers’ Perceived Competence and Warmth on the Relations between Ostracism, Shame, and Ingratiation.Sara Joy Krivacek, Christian N. Thoroughgood, Katina B. Sawyer, Nicholas Anthony Smith & Thomas J. Zagenczyk - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 194 (2):371-386.
    Workplace ostracism is a prevalent and painful experience. The majority of studies focus on negative outcomes of ostracism, with less work examining employees’ potential adaptive responses to it. Further, scholars have suggested that such responses depend on employee attributions, yet little research has taken an attributional perspective on workplace ostracism. Drawing on sociometer theory and attribution theory we develop and test a model that investigates why and under what circumstances ostracized employees engage in adaptive responses to ostracism. Specifically, we argue (...)
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  29. Further Thoughts on the Evolution of Pride’s Two Facets: A Response to Clark.Azim F. Shariff, Jessica L. Tracy, Joey T. Cheng & Joseph Henrich - 2010 - Emotion Review 2 (4):399-400.
    In Clark’s thoughtful analysis of the evolution of the two facets of pride, he suggests that the concurrent existence of hubristic and authentic pride in humans represents a “persistence problem,” wherein the vestigial trait (hubristic pride) continues to exist alongside the derived trait (authentic pride). In our view, evidence for the two facets does not pose a persistence problem; rather, hubristic and authentic pride both likely evolved as higher-order cognitive emotions that solve uniquely human—but distinct— evolutionary problems. Instead of being (...)
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  30. Property: What Is It Good For?Jessica Allina-Pisano - 2009 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 76 (1):175-202.
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    Crossroads in the Flesh: An Interview with Mariana Ortega.Jessica Elkayam & Mariana Ortega - 2022 - Diacritics 50 (2):98-110.
    Abstract:Jessica Elkayam asks Mariana Ortega about the influence both Latina feminisms and Martin Heidegger have had on the development of Ortega's mestiza theory.
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    Pets and dependency.Jessica du Toit - 2015 - Forum for European Philosophy Blog.
    Jessica du Toit wonders if our relationship with our pets can be morally defended.
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    Joan T. Mark.Joy Harvey & Margaret W. Rossiter - 2017 - Isis 108 (3):651-653.
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  34. Radicalizing feminisms from "the movement era".Joy A. James - 2003 - In Tommy Lee Lott & John P. Pittman, A Companion to African-American Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
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  35. Can science give us truth.Gc Joy - 1973 - Journal of Thought 8 (2):117-122.
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    Defenders of the Text: The Traditions of Scholarship in an Age of Science, 1450-1800. Anthony Grafton.Lynn Joy - 1992 - Isis 83 (2):319-319.
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    The Impact of Gender on Religious Studies.Morny Joy - 2010 - Diogenes 57 (1):93-102.
    The theme of gender in religion has not been dealt with homogenously given the many research areas that feed into the discipline of religious studies. This paper reviews the different uses of "gender" over the last 20 years. It notes that, though there is no single definition of the word, "gender" as a term has had a very great impact on the way women have formulated their demand for equality of treatment and renegotiated or even raised new claims as regards (...)
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  38. Autonomy or deliberative governance?Hemant Ojha, Krishna Paudel & John Cameron - 2007 - In Paula Banerjee & Samir Kumar Das, Autonomy: beyond Kant and hermeneutics. New York: Anthem Press.
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  39. Exploring interest in task engagement.Priya Panday-Shukla & Joy Egbert - 2024 - In Joy Egbert & Priya Panday-Shukla, Task engagement across disciplines: research and practical strategies to increase student achievement. New York: Routledge.
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    Human Rights, Religion, and (Sexual) Slavery.Lucinda Joy Peach - 2000 - The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics 20:65-87.
    This essay illustrates the potential of religion to both oppress and empower women, focusing on the role of Buddhism in Thailand in relation to the trafficking of women for the sex industry. After describing a number of ways that traditional Thai Buddhist culture functions to legitimate the trafficking industry, and thereby deny the human rights of women involved in sexual slavery, I draw on the analogy of Christianity in relation to slavery in the ante-bellum American South to make the case (...)
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  41. Grassi, Ernesto. El comienzo del pensamiento moderno. Diez artículos de los años 1940 a 1943.Jéssica Sánchez Espillaque - forthcoming - Thémata Revista de Filosofía.
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  42. La alteridad en la construcción del sujeto: Los apócrifos machadianos.Jéssica Sánchez Espillaque - forthcoming - Thémata Revista de Filosofía.
    Partiendo de la concepción asistemática y fragmentaria que Machado tiene de la filosofía, en este estudio se analiza la consideración antropológica del yo machadiano como una construcción “introspectiva” mediante la creación de personajes apócrifos. Con el objetivo de descubrir en la esencial heterogeneidad del ser uno de los problemas fundamentales de la filosofía machadiana. Según la cual el tiempo aparece como el horizonte de comprensión del ser (humano), haciendo que esa exploración de lo esencialmente otro nos proporcione una percepción de (...)
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    Restricted weight bearing after hip fracture surgery in the elderly: economic costs and health outcomes.Jane Wu, Susan Kurrle & Ian D. Cameron - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (1):217-219.
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    Macroscopic Observability of Fermionic Sign Changes: A Reply to Gill.Joy Christian - unknown
    In a recent arXiv preprint Richard Gill has criticized an experimental proposal published in a journal of theoretical physics which describes how to detect a macroscopic signature of fermionic sign changes. Here I point out that his worries stem from his own elementary algebraic and conceptual mistakes, and present several event-by-event numerical simulations which expose the vacuity of his claims by explicit computations.
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  45. Beef, Bible, bullets : suicidal cows and the ecological imaginings of Brazil.Jessica Carey-Webb - 2025 - In Gwen Hunnicutt, Richard Twine & Kenneth Mentor, Violence and harm in the animal industrial complex: human-animal entanglements. New York: Routledge.
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    Refutation of Richard Gill's Argument Against my Disproof of Bell's Theorem.Joy Christian - unknown
    I identify a number of errors in Richard Gill's purported refutation of my disproof of Bell's theorem. In particular, I point out that his central argument is based, not only on a rather trivial misreading of my counterexample to Bell's theorem, but also on a simple oversight of a freedom of choice in the orientation of a Clifford algebra. What is innovative and original in my counterexample is thus mistaken for an error, at the expense of the professed universality and (...)
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    Martial’s Epigrams: A Selection.Joy Connolly - 2011 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 105 (1):144-146.
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    Ten Reasons to Read Homer: Addressing Public Perceptions of Classical Literature.Joy Connolly - 2010 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 103 (2):232-237.
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    A cognitive transition underlying both technological and social aspects of cumulative culture.Liane Gabora & Cameron M. Smith - 2020 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 43:e163.
    The argument that cumulative technological culture originates in technical-reasoning skills is not the only alternative to social accounts; another possibility is that accumulation ofbothtechnical-reasoning skillsandenhanced social skills stemmed from the onset of a more basic cognitive ability such as recursive representational redescription. The paper confuses individual learning of pre-existing information with creative generation of new information.
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    Associations Between Daily Mood States and Brain Gray Matter Volume, Resting-State Functional Connectivity and Task-Based Activity in Healthy Adults.Elmira Ismaylova, Jessica Di Sante, Jean-Philippe Gouin, Florence B. Pomares, Frank Vitaro, Richard E. Tremblay & Linda Booij - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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